JQueryUI package update

Our master craftsman Ed Van Der Mark just shipped an updated package for jQueryUI. We are so happy to have Ed in our community, and he has implemented some of the most complex JS packages we have. Where others are afraid to venture, Ed seem to enjoy luch – knocking it out of the park again and again!

A parsing framework for Delphi, FPC and QTX

In this article I will cover the essential architecture of the Quartex parser, the default parser for the Quartex RTL and our native framework. This framework is the codebase we wrote to implement the IDE for Quartex Pascal, and it contains a wealth of useful units. The Quartex native framework will be available to backers and customers shortly after release of Quartex Pascal.

Align: TAlign and PreAlignBounds

One of the coolest features that has been added to Quartex Pascal’s RTL in the past few months, is most likely support for Align: TAlign for TQTXWidget. This greatly simplifies form layout, and also doing layout when writing your own custom controls. Rules and differences HTML5 is not the same as WinAPI or GTK, andContinue reading “Align: TAlign and PreAlignBounds”