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More bugs squashed and a few omissions corrected in this build! I had somehow forgotten to allow for negative integer values in the property inspector, so that has been fixed -- and we now have a package data model in place (but it needs to be activated, im working on this).
What has changed in this build?
- Property inspector now takes negative integer values (e.g -100)
- Removed a menu item for "Save as" since that has no meaning with folder based projects (files can be renamed via the file overview)
- The IDE now saves your preference for how the widget palette shows the widget glyphs (report or icons). Right-click on the component palette and select the view menu there.
- Updated the compiler version we use so we finally have async and await keyword support.
- Fixed a problem where DWScript emits two main() entrypoints. We now check the generated code, both compact (optimized for size) and normal, and remove the empty main() symbol.
- Boxed application model is now there. Still need to fix a couple of hickups with the Display-View layout, but you can safely create boxed applications now (this is the type of app model best suited for mobile devices).
- Fixed a few hickups in the TQTXDOMApplication object where I had used reintroduce rather than overload, causing mayhem in form navigation
- HOTFIX: A curious bug materialized when one of the backers tried to add a delegate to the main form, where each delegate always got the name "Delegate1". This turned out to be a simple mistake I had made, where the code checked delegates on child widgets, but somehow I had forgotten to check the container itself (sigh).
- .. And several tidbits more!
Backers can download the latest build from Patreon:
This topic was modified 2 years ago 3 times by Jon Lennart Aasenden
Posted : 28/02/2023 10:55 am
RTOlivier reacted