Quartex Pascal has been in active development for the past 18 months. The project is overdue by a few months due to covid and associated factors, but we are quickly closing in on the release of version 1.0 (hurray!)
Since Quartex Pascal has been a sort of sub-community-under-the-radar kind of project for so long (bordering on a skunkworks project), becoming more public and easily available is more than overdue. It is important to make things easier for new backers and users as they come along, and having an official website achieves that.
Patreon and Paypal
The project is still a Patreon project, just to underline that. This website here has no means to accept funding or donations, so if you feel like helping out then we have two ways you can do that:
- Visit the Patreon page and pick a tier to support
- For donations and single-shot gifts, use Paypal (if you donate 100€ or more, you have full access to our invite-only Facebook group. A thriving community of backers and developers. Simply PM me on Facebook afterwards to get access).
While version 1.0 will be out in a little while, that is by no means the end of Quartex Pascal. We have a lot of technology just waiting to be included in the IDE and RTL! Things like data aware controls, a full database editor, REST and SOAP protocol support, full NAS OS (the Quartex Media Desktop) deployment, ASM.JS and Webassembly, building native applications for desktop and mobile via Phonegap and similar technology — and much, much more!

The way I look at it, Quartex Pascal version 1.0 represents the foundation stone. It is the foundation that we construct better and more elaborate technologies on. The world of web technology has so many exciting avenues that object pascal developers can make use of – the sky literally is the limit here.
Easier access to material
This website will also serve as an easy access point for media. I have several presentations that I have held regarding QTX and it’s associated cluster technology, and putting everything in one place for easy access is the way to go. We are slowly moving from our garage days into a more office like modus operandi, so bear with me as go forward – it will be awesome once all the dots align.