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the attached class is based on this idea:
You easily can create the same menu using this code:
var LList = TQTXSideMenuList.Create(self, nil);
LList.Add(false,'fa-home', 'Community Dashboard', nil);
LList.Add(false,'fa-globe', 'Global Surveyors', nil);
LList.Add(false,'fa-comments', 'Group Hub Forums', nil);
LList.Add(false,'fa-camera-retro', 'Survey Photos', nil);
LList.Add(false,'fa-film', 'Surveying Tutorials', nil);
LList.Add(false,'fa-book', 'Surveying Jobs', nil);
LList.Add(false,'fa-cogs', 'Tools & Resources', nil);
LList.Add(false,'fa-map-marker', 'Member Map', nil);
LList.Add(false,'fa-info', 'Documentation', nil);
LList.Add(true, 'fa-power-off', 'Logout', nil);
I tried to keep it simple and not using any asm instructions for it. In my case I will expand in order to arrange the menu located either on the left or right side of a page.
Posted : 17/04/2024 7:58 pm