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Hi, this is a small snippet and shows how to use the QR code scanner from here:
unit qrscanner; interface uses qtx.sysutils, qtx.classes, qtx.dom.widgets, qtx.dom.types; type TQTXQRScanner = class; TQTXQRScannerConstructor = procedure (QTXScanner: TQTXQRScanner); TOnGetQRCode = procedure(Sender: TObject; Result: String); TQTXQRScanner = class(TQTXWidget) private FOnGetQRCode: TOnGetQRCode; FVideoElement: THandle; FScanner: THandle; public constructor Create(AOwner: TQTXComponent; CB: TQTXQRScannerConstructor); reintroduce; virtual; property OnGetQRCode: TOnGetQRCode read FOnGetQRCode write FOnGetQRCode; end; implementation constructor TQTXQRScanner.Create(AOwner: TQTXComponent; CB: TQTXQRScannerConstructor); procedure Callback(AResult: Variant); begin if assigned(FOnGetQRCode) then FOnGetQRCode(Self,; end; begin inherited Create(AOwner, procedure(Widget: TQTXWidget) begin Style.width := '100%'; Style.height := '100%'; asm const video = document.createElement('video'); = 'qr-video'; @self.FVideoElement = video; end; Widget.Handle.appendChild(FVideoElement); if assigned(CB) then CB(self); TQTXDispatch.Execute(procedure() begin asm const scanner = new QrScanner(video, result => { @Callback(result); }, { highlightScanRegion: true, highlightCodeOutline: true, }); @self.FScanner = scanner; scanner.start(); end; end,1000); end); end; end.
This topic was modified 1 year ago by Hackbart
I was suddenly very happy when I managed to get it working 🙂
//yeah, I'm pretty new to quartex.
I like this qr code reader, thank you!!
Is it possible to resize the scan area in some way? such as the code in the link below or in another way (maybe with CSS??)
Posted : 29/01/2024 8:29 pm