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I've developed a compact clock class for a side project. The main code is written in ASM-JavaScript Blocks, and I've utilized CSS for rendering. While it may not be the optimal approach for a Qtx framework, I've chosen to use JavaScript for most of my internal processes in most of my projects. Maybe somebody has the nerve to wrap this into a package?
The usage itself is extremely simple. Just put the Watch on the Form and add a timer to update the hour and minute pointers.
var LWatch := TQTXWatch.create(self, procedure(Watch: TQTXWatch) begin var LTimer := TQTXEventRepeater.Create( function(Sender: TQTXCustomRepeater): TQTXRepeatResult begin Watch.SetTime(now); result := TQTXRepeatResult.rrContinue; end, 1000); end);
This topic was modified 1 year ago by Hackbart
Posted : 13/10/2023 9:27 am